“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” Anatole France

I have always been a competitive person. In high school, I would strive to be number one in whatever I attempted. I didn’t always win and often the “all or nothing” mentality caused me  to slip into  deep depressions.  Over the years, I’ve learned not to be so hard on myself and I often wonder if that decision has done me more harm than good. I have always believed that everyone should live up to their full potential–physically, mentality, and spiritually. It’s a daily effort to do so, an insatiable ambition, and an eternal pleasure.  However, all too often I notice people accept “the average” out of life. I think as we get older, we become more cynical and lazy. We get worn down by daily routines and tyrannies and eventually settle.

I created this blog as an inspiration for those who wish to live up to their full potential. I attempt to be better everyday and I often fail, which shows the self-improvement is a struggle. I hope that this blog provide the spark that ignites something in people. This is not a diary of my life, but my life will be an example. Really, the goal is to provide a spark.

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